Should You Get a Prenuptial Agreement in Kansas?

Should You Get a Prenuptial Agreement in Kansas?

Prenuptial agreements can be a tricky subject to tackle before entering a marriage, but they can also make sure both parties have their interests looked after in the event of a divorce. As no two marriages are the same, each situation pertaining to a prenup should be...
When is the Right Time to Declare Bankruptcy?

When is the Right Time to Declare Bankruptcy?

If you’re struggling with debt, you’re probably wondering if declaring bankruptcy would help or hinder your situation. Bankruptcy may be the best answer to your tough financial situation. Are you experiencing any of the following? Frequent calls from debt collectors...
What You Should Know About Home Foreclosures in Kansas

What You Should Know About Home Foreclosures in Kansas

In Kansas, a home foreclosure is a process started by a mortgage lender usually when a homeowner is three months behind in payments on the mortgaged debt. The lender then files a lawsuit in the county where the homeowner lives and then serves the homeowner with that...
How Do You Get a DUI Expunged in Kansas?

How Do You Get a DUI Expunged in Kansas?

A DUI conviction can severely disrupt your life and cause you to miss out on opportunities in the future. It will show up in your criminal record when employers are considering hiring you, when lenders are determining whether or not to give you a loan and could even...
3 Things You Should Do First if Injured at Work

3 Things You Should Do First if Injured at Work

Work related injuries are stressful and confusing even under the best circumstances. Understanding the basics of worker’s compensation can lessen the impact of a worker related injury. Here are three things you should do if you suffer an injury at work. Report Any and...